Sunday, May 5, 2024

Bless Those Who Take Refuge in Christ


”May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done.” ‭Ruth‬ ‭2‬:‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Ruth had worked in the fields of Boaz and impressed him with her work. When they finally had a conversation, he decided to try and be her kinsman redeemer, who would get her as a wife and the land that belonged to Naomi’s husband before he died. He knew she was not an Israelite, but a Moabite. He says of her that she had come under God’s wings to take refuge, even as a stranger and someone from a different culture.


God accepts anyone who comes to him for refuge. He rewarded Ruth by making her the grandmother of King David, the most revered king in Israel’s history to this day. When a person, from any background, comes to God for refuge, He forgives their past and gives them a new future that is blessed by Him. We cna never judge people because of where they are from or that language they speak. We must be like our Lord and accept who He accepts. we should never judge people for their past, but love them into their future.


Father, You are worthy of it all! You are worthy of my very best in every area of life. Help me to never judge people by their past, their background, or anything else. You are a redeemer of anyone who decide to take refuge in You. Help me to love people like You love people. Teach me to walk with You and to learn Your ways. Help me to promote people who don’t look like me as You gave Ruth the beautiful honor of being the grandmother to King David. Pour out Your Spirit at Word of Life today. Let people encounter Christ, Engage in growth, and Extend the Kingdom. 

Yours Forever,


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