Tuesday, May 14, 2024

God’s Treasure Pouch


““Even when you are chased by those who seek to kill you, your life is safe in the care of the Lord your God, secure in his treasure pouch! But the lives of your enemies will disappear like stones shot from a sling!” ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭25‬:‭29‬ ‭NLT‬


David had been being chased all over the place by King Saul, who wanted him dead. The above words actually comes from Abigail, Nabal’s wife who would later become David’s wife. She told David that God protected him and that he was secure in God’s treasure pouch. She said he was safe from anyone who would come after him to kill him because God was watching over him.


I’ve never thought of myself as being God’s treasure pouch, but it is a great analogy. A king’s treasure pouch would be where he would put his valuables and it would be protected above all else. They never wanted the enemy to get to their treasure pouch. When we see God like this, we understand that we are valuable in His sight. We also see that He will go to extremes to keep us safe as His personal treasure. Our value is in Him and we must realize that He sees us as valuable and worth of saving.


Father, You are worthy of it all! You are the one who keeps me safe like treasure in a pouch. You have watched over my life throughout all my years and have always protected me. Thank You for treating me as Your treasure. Hide me in Your pouch and defend my life. I am Yours. Pour out Your Spirit this weekend in our church and where I am speaking. We need You. Baptize people in Your Spirit and use this weekend to empower Your Church.

Yours Forever,


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