Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Lord Gives Me Victory


“Moses built an altar and named it “The Lord Gives Me Victory.””  ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭17:15‬ ‭CEV‬‬


As Moses was leading the people of Israel through the wilderness, they encountered the Amalakites. They went to battle against them. The Lord told Moses to hold up his staff, which God used to do powerful things. As long as the staff was raised, the Israelites won. He had to get others to help him hold up the staff because it was too heavy, but he held it until Israel won the battle.  Afterward he built an altar and called it, “The Lord Gives Me Victory.” He knew where his victory came from and gave God all the glory and honor.


We must learn that it is God who fight on behalf of His own people. It is He who gives us the victory in our lives and not we ourselves. As long as we realize where our victory comes from, we will see victory, but when we begin to take credit for our victories, God will allow us to be defeated. Our goal must be to follow the Lord and do as He says. Then and only then, we will see victory in our lives, our families, our church and our world. It is God who gives us the victory and we can’t credit ourselves, our works, our discipline, or anything else. When God gets the praise, battles get won.


Lord, You have given me so many victories! You are the God who never fails and is never defeated. Help me to walk in humility and fear before You all the days of my life. Teach me to always give You the honor and to lean on You at all times. You are my rock and my salvation. Every good thing in my life comes from You. You are my everything and I love You with all my heart. Lead me Holy Spirit and help me to follow You well.

Your Son,


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