Monday, February 21, 2022

Our Sin Affects Others


“When any of you are unclean, you must stay away from the rest of the community of Israel. Otherwise, my sacred tent will become unclean, and the whole nation will die.” ‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭15:31‬ ‭CEV‬‬


God was speaking to the people of Israel and giving them commandments that they must follow. Of course these are pre-Christ and are under the Law, but there is always a reason for anything God does. In this passage it tells us that if anyone is unclean, they needed to stay away from the rest of the community of Israel or else God’s sacred tent could be contaminated and the whole nation would die. This is really strong words.


Specifically, this text is referring to sexual things, but the idea is that unclean people spread things to each other and then the whole church becomes unclean and from there it says the whole nation would die. When the church can’t meet because of pandemics, sicknesses, uncleanness, etc. it affects the whole nation. When we have sin in our lives, or uncleanness in our lives, we should deal with it because it will affect those around us.


Lord, help me to understand all of this. I know that sin is like leaven and it affects the whole loaf. I ask You to take me deeper in my understanding of this and the power of living righteously. Help me to convey Your word accurately and to live accordingly. I want to serve Your purposes well in my generation. Show me things I need to change. 

Your Son,


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