Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Faithful to the End


“Everyone will hate you because of me. But if you keep on being faithful right to the end, you will be saved.”  ‭‭Mark‬ ‭13:13‬ ‭CEV‬‬


Jesus was telling His disciples here that things were going to get really bad in the last days. He told them that everyone was gong to hate them because of Him.  He finished by saying that they would be saved if they were faithful to the end. They were going to have to endure some really difficult stuff like their own family turning against them, but they needed to endure.


In last days living, endurance is crucial. It is those who endure to the end that are saved. We will have to endure some really difficult things in our day and hour. We see the world being prepared right now for Christ’s return, but we also see things getting difficult around us. Our job is to remain faithful to the end. Faithfulness wins the day in the end and that is where Jesus needs to find us, faithfully doing the things He wants us to do.


Father, help me to be faithful to the end. Enable me to endure whatever hardships are coming and let me be prepared to live for You and die for You. Teach me to follow Your truths and live according to Your ways. You are my shield, my protector, and my friend. Bless my family, my church, and let my region see revival.

Yours Forever,


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