Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Love and Obedience


“Love means doing what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning.”  ‭‭2 John‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬


John, the beloved of Jesus, tells us that love means doing what God commanded us.  He goes on to say that His command was to love one another.  In other words, love means obedience and obedience means love.  Therefore, we should be people who have love as a main characteristic of our lives.


John tells us in First John that God is love.  Jesus was love personified.  If we are in Christ, we are to be people who demonstrate the love of God in our lives.  We must learn to walk in the love of Christ.  I want love to pour out of me like it poured out of Jesus.  I want to love God and love people well.  I need to remember that love is obedience and obedience is love.  


Father, help me to walk in love and obedience every day of my life.  You are incredible and I want to serve You well.  Help me to love like You love.  Enable me to love the sinner and the saint.  Teach me to love deeply and to demonstrate Your love to those around me.  Help me to love in a way that pleases You.  Show me when to confront and when to hold back.  Show me when loving means saying something and when loving means keeping my mouth shut.  Teach me Lord so I can represent You well.

Yours Forever,


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