Saturday, June 27, 2015

Conquering Through Trust


II Chronicles 13:18  "Thus the sons of Israel were subdued at that time, and the sons of Judah conquered because they trusted in the Lord, the God of their fathers".


Israel and Judah didn't even survive a generation before there was fighting between them.  At this point Judah was trusting the Lord and "because they trusted in the Lord", they conquered.  There is a direct correlation here between trusting God and conquering your enemies.


Judah could trust God because they were in a covenant with Him.  They knew that as long as they did their part, He would do His part.  If they broke the covenant, He didn't have to follow His end of the covenant.  We are also in covenant with God.  If we do our part, He always does His.  His promises are for us and when we trust Him enough to follow and do things His way, He will defeat our enemies.


Father, help me to walk according to Your ways and to walk in covenant with You.  I trust You!  Help me to trust You more as my source, resource and the amazing God that You are.

Your Son,

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