Thursday, August 27, 2009

Turned Over


Psalm 81:11-12 "But my people would not listen to Me; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices".


Asaph spends a few chapters crying out to the Lord and asking Him why their enemies are overtaking them and why He isn't rescuing His people. In Psalm 81, the Lord replies to Asaph and basically says He wants to bless them and take great care of them, but that they didn't want to follow His ways. Therefore He "gave them over" to their own ways. It was not His will, but He wouldn't force them to follow Him.


There is a point where God "gives people over" to their own devices. This is seen in the Old and New Testaments. God's grace is amazing, but when we push it too far and think like Samson, "I will shake myself as before, but didn't realize the Spirit of God had left him". God's desire is truly to bless His children and for them to conquer every foe, but He asks for submission and obedience. WE live in a generation who wants life their way. They don't want to be told to change. When God comes into our lives, He expects us to die to our flesh and begin to follow His ways instead of our own. Being "turned over" by God is the worst thing that could ever happen to you. When He turns you over to yourself, you will pay the consequences big time. Though His desire is to bless us, He will allow us to be turned over so we can see how much better it was with Him.


Lord, let nobody reading this journal today ever be "turned over". Let us walk according to the ways of God, obeying Him in every area of life. I want my life to be in the place of Your blessing. When we follow You closely, there is blessing, when we follow our own ways, there is a price to pay. Father, forgive me for the times I have wanted to do things my own way. It is Your way or nothing Lord. Thank You for showing me this verse today and keep me on the straight path that leads to Your blessing.

Your Son,

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