Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Each Generation!


Psalm 78:7-8 "So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying His commands. Then they will not be like their ancestors - stubborn, rebellious, and unfaithful, refusing to give their hearts to God".


Asaph tells us a profound truth here about the kingdom of God. It is said that the kingdom of God is always just one generation from extinction. Asaph lets us know that we have a responsibility to help the next generation set its hope on God and remind them of His glorious miracles. Every generation must see a move of God!


I have always felt like I was born out of my time. I was born in a time when I saw the miracles of God as boy and witnessed the power of God in demonstration. I will never forget the things I saw growing up. The next generation seems to see less of the demonstration of the power of God than the previous in every setting I have preached in around the world. What one generation sees, the next generation hears about and believes, then the third generation hears, but doubts it it still possible. I feel like I was born between generations for a purpose, that the things I saw and witnessed as a child can be handed down to the generation coming behind me. I was blessed to see the power of God in action, but there are those coming up today who have never seen those things. I was called by God to be a bridge to that generation. Each generation must see a move of God or we lose ground. We must help them trust in God and obey His commands! We don't want to see them stubborn, rebellious and unfaithful.


Lord, I accept my calling to be a bridge to the next generation. Show me what I must do to bring the power of God to them in ways they can understand. I want man's faith not to be in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God. Demonstrate Your power for this generation!!!! We need You to do the work in our generation. Let Northern Virginia see a move of the Spirit of God that is undeniable!

I will help in any way I can to carry the message to this next generation.

Your Son,


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