Saturday, July 11, 2009

Undeserved Privilege


Romans 5:2 "Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege, where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory".


Our entire reading today is a discourse from Paul to the Romans about Law and Grace. He is basically saying that faith, not works or abiding by the Law, is what is going to save you. As he is talking about this, he uses the words, "undeserved privilege", which jumped off the page at me. We don't deserve God's favor, but He has chosen to give it to us. We could never be good enough to get to heaven when we die, but He has made a way for us. We could never fulfill the Law completely, but Jesus did on our behalf. He gave us privilege we don't deserve and cannot earn.


Paul says because of this privilege we now stand looking confidently and joyfully forward to sharing God's glory. Jesus has done so much for us and we don't deserve any of it. We can't be good enough to impress Him because His Laws are too difficult for us, yet He has chosen to give us undeserved privilege. Because of this, we should live confidently and joyfully. We need to come to the place of joy and confidence in Christ, where we understand fully what he has done, appreciate it, and live accordingly. If we had been given a million dollars, hopefully we wouldn't blow it, but would be careful to allow it to be used for it's greatest good. God has given us awesome privilege, let's use it to follow His closer than ever before.


Lord, thank You for Your "undeserved privilege". Thank You for calling me Your son, though I don't deserve it. Help me to demonstrate "undeserved privilege" to those who You put around me on a daily basis. Help me to treat people like You treat me. Teach me to live confidently and joyfully, knowing the true love of my Father. You are amazing! Thank You for choosing to give me grace instead of judgment!


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