Monday, July 13, 2009

The Blessing of Abraham


Romans 11:17 "So now you also receive the blessing God has promised Abraham and his children, sharing in the rich nourishment from the root of God's special olive tree".


Paul is talking to the Roman Christians about the difference between Jews and Gentiles in God's sight. In chapter 11-12 God is showing the gentiles that they should be glad and very humble because they have been allowed into the place of God's blessing. He also makes it clear that the promises were made to Israel and that they will be grafted back into the tree when the fullness of the Gentiles comes in. Here he says that we as Gentiles have received the blessing God promised to Abraham. This blessing is incredible and has been promised to us, but we don't truly believe it.


If we have been grafted into God's olive tree and received the blessing promised to Abraham, then we can expect all the promises to Israel in the Old Covenant, to be ours also. We have the same root system and are now grafted in. What an incredible honor that we don't deserve. We have been chosen of God and allowed into something awesome that we don't deserve. We should live lives that make the Jews jealous of our relationship with God. We should be showing them how great God is. I want my eyes open to actually live as a child of God, walking in the blessing of Abraham, which was fantastic. God has given us a great inheritance, but we have not lived up to it.


Father, thank you for adopting me into Your family and making me a descendant of Abraham. Teach me to walk in the blessings of Abraham. I feel so honored this morning that You have chosen to allow me into Your promises to Abraham. Teach me how to live in such a way that the promises become part of my life. You are amazing and Your love is incredible. Thank You for grafting me in and allowing me to be part of Your holy family.


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