Monday, July 6, 2009

God's Favor


Esther 2:9 "Hegai was very impressed with Esther and treated her kindly. He quickly ordered a special menu for her and provided her with beauty treatments. He also assigned her seven maids specially chosen from the king's palace, and he moved her and her maids into the best place in the harem".


Esther was quickly brought to the top of the running because the favor of God was on her. God knew before the foundation of the world that He would need someone to rescue the Jews at the right time and he place His favor on Esther so she would be in a position to make a difference. With this favor, she was treated differently than all the other women who were brought before the king. She was given special, preferential treatment.


God places people in positions for His will to be accomplished. When God's favor is on someones life and He has a plan for them, every obstacle in the world can come against them and they will overcome and be blessed. When God's favor is upon your life, you will rise to the top and be blessed even when you don't deserve it. We should pray and ask God for His favor to be on our lives.


Lord, let Your favor be on my life. I want to walk in the place of divine favor. When Your favor is on a life, it is incredible. I know You have called me, but today I ask for Your favor in my home, my church, my ministry and every area of life.

Thank You Daddy,


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