Tuesday, July 21, 2009

No Limits


Job 11:7 "Can you search out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limits of the Almighty?"


Zophar is coming to Job asking him to search out God's wisdom and understand why these things are happening to him. In the process, he makes this one statement that is so profound. He asks the question: Are we able to search out the deep things of God? and Can you find the limits of the Almighty? These questions are awesome to think about. We are finite beings and it is extremely difficult for us to comprehend infinity and a God who has "all power".


If God is so big we can't find His limits and so awesome we can't search out His depth, then why is it so hard to trust Him. He is infinitely more capable of helping me that of me helping Him. He knows more than I will ever know. Sometimes we ask God to bless what we are doing, instead of asking Him what we should be doing. If He is infinite in knowledge and infinite in power, why not just trust that He knows best? Our goal should be to know Him more and to hear His voice as clearly as possible, what ever stops that, needs to go from our lives. His wisdom is infinite, yet we must be in that place to hear it from Him.


Lord, You are amazing! Your greatness exceeds the heavens and you are above every other being. I could never find You limits, because there are none. I cannot even comprehend just how powerful You are. I want to know You more. I want to hear Your voice clearly. I want to lean on You and not on my own understanding. Show me how to trust You more. When I try to imagine Your glory, it is beyond words. I cannot express my love for You.


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