Saturday, July 18, 2009

Have You Noticed My Servant?


Job 1:8 "The the Lord asked Satan, 'Have you noticed my servant Job? he is the finest man in all the earth. he is blameless - a man of complete integrity. He fears God and stays away from evil'".


God was having His heavenly court and he speaks to Satan who had been roaming the earth checking out everything going on. He asks Satan a question, "Have you noticed my servant Job?" He goes on to talk about Job and his reputation was amazing. Job had a reputation in heaven and with Satan. He had a reputation of being a devout man who feared God and ran away from evil.


I have to ask myself the question, "am I living a life that would make God say, 'have you considered my servant Jeff?'" Do I have a reputation in heaven and in hell? Have I lived a life that makes heaven rejoice and hell shutter? I think it would be amazing to be known by Satan as someone who is a threat to his kingdom. In the NT we hear of demons saying, Paul I know and Jesus I know, but who are you? Is your name known in hell? Has God noticed how you live? Has Satan noticed how you live? Is the way we are living today making us known in heaven and in hell? Wow, these are hard questions to ask. I want my name known in heaven, on earth and under the earth.


Lord, I realize that I haven't lived up to this passage in my life. I want to live a life that would make You proud and Satan scared. I ask You to help me live totally sold out to You and Your purposes. I want my life to be noticed by my God. Teach me to obey You better. Forgive me for my halfheartedness. Allow me to become more life You every day.

I Love You Lord,

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