Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Return to God and Get Rid of Pride


“I am the Lord, their God, but in all of their troubles their pride keeps them from returning to me.” ‭‭Hosea‬ ‭7‬:‭10‬ ‭CEV‬‬


God is speaking here through His prophet Hosea. He tells Israel that He is their God, but even though they are going through troubles, their pride keeps them from returning to Him. Pride stops people from coming to God for help and turning from their own ways to the ways of God.


God always resists pride and always responds to humility. When we mess up and do what we want to do, we must be willing to humble ourselves and repent and turn from our ways and submit to God’s ways and God’s plan for our lives. We must never think we can do what we want to do and ignore God’s ways and God’s word. He hates our pride and responds to our humility with grace.


Lord, You are worthy of all I have and all I am. You are my Lord and my God. Help me to walk humbly before You all the days of my life. Teach me to honor You in every way. You are the only wise God and I want to follow Your ways. Turn me from leaning on my own wisdom. Forgive me for not seeking You more. I need You in my life.

Yours Forever,


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