Monday, June 6, 2022

Ahead of the Enemy


““None of us, Your Majesty,” one of them answered. “It's an Israelite named Elisha. He's a prophet, so he can tell his king everything—even what you say in your own room.”” ‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭CEV‬‬


The king do Syria was upset because every time he tried to go after Israel, they would move from where he was headed. They seemed to be able to anticipate his moves. He asked his people who was informing the enemy and they told him it was Elisha. They said he is a prophet so he tells the king everything, even what is said in your bedroom God reveals to him.


I want my spiritual ears open to hear what is said and to see what others do not see. I want to know the plans of the enemy before they happen. I long for God almighty to show me things to come and things going on around me more and more clearly. I long for God to reveal Himself in greater ways.


Father, let the prophetic gift grow stronger in my life. I want to see what You are seeing and know what You need me to know. I don’t want anything in my life that hinders You from speaking clearly to me. Open my spiritual ears to hear what You are doing and what I need to do. Take me further into the prophetic gifts.

Your Son,


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