Saturday, December 28, 2019

Ask the Lord


“Ask the Lord for rain in the spring, for he makes the storm clouds. And he will send showers of rain so every field becomes a lush pasture.”
‭‭Zechariah‬ ‭10:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Zechariah tells God’s people to ask the Lord for rain in the spring then goes on to say that He will send showers of rain so every field becomes a lush pasture.  Sometimes we have not because we ask not.  Possibly we are asking for produce instead of asking for the rain that brings the produce.


Our job is to ask the Lord for rain in the spring.  He sends the showers and blesses the fields to make them productive.  Maybe we are asking for the wrong thing sometimes.  We should be asking for rain, which we can’t produce.  We need God to provide what only He can provide, but the farmer works hard to make the environment right for growth.  Pray for rain and work the fields.


Father, help me to work like it all depends on me and to pray like it all depends on You.  You are incredible!  I pray today for rain from Your Spirit.  Pour out on me, my family, my church and my region.  I long for the rain of Your Spirit to bless the work of our hands.


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