Saturday, July 21, 2018

My Mediator


“If only there were a mediator between us, someone who could bring us together.”
‭‭Job‬ ‭9:33‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Job couldn’t understand why he was in the situation he was in.  He couldn’t understand why his life was falling apart before his eyes.  H cried out to God, but there was not answer.  At this point, he says some powerful words.  If only there was a mediator, someone who could bring us together.


In the New Testament Jesus is called out mediator.  He is our defense attorney, mediator, to he one who stands before God and brings us together.  God sent his only Son so that we would have the mediator Job longed for.  Jesus was punished so we wouldn’t have to be.  He is our mediator and we can trust Him to do an incredible job.


Jesus, thank you for showing me this.  You are the best!  Thank you for mediating on my behalf and standing before the Father for me.  On this last 20th day of the fast, I ask you one more time to pour out Your Spirit in my home, my family, my church and my community.  Pour out Your Spirit and heal all who come to our services tomorrow.  Move in and through my life more and more in the coming days.

You’re Incredible,

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