Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Power of Jesus


John 18:6 "As Jesus said, I AM he, they all drew back and fell to the ground!"


Jesus was ready to be arrested.  Judas had betrayed Him into the hands of those who wanted Him killed.  There was a contingent of Roman soldiers and Temple guards there to arrest Him.  When they asked if He was Jesus, he said, "I AM".  When he said that, they were all thrown to the ground in front of Him.


Jesus could have wiped this entire group out with a single word.  Just by saying I AM, they all fell on the ground.  I'm sure they were totally afraid of Him at this point.  When the skeptics are falling out in the Spirit, you know there is serious power being released.  Jesus willingly went with them instead of fighting for himself.  We need to walk in the power of God, yet the love of God and the humility of Christ above all.


Father, let Your power work in my life.  Help me to fulfill all You want me to do in my life time.  I want to serve You well.  Teach me to love and to walk in humility like Jesus did.  Help me to submit to the will of God above all, like Jesus did.  Help me to live more like Jesus every day.

Your Son,

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