Saturday, April 28, 2018

Don't Give In


Judges 16:16-17 "She tormented him with her nagging day after day until he was sick ti death of it.  Finally, Samson shared his secret with her.  'My hair has never been cut,' he confessed, 'for I was dedicated to God as a Nazirite from birth.  If my head were shaved, my strength would leave me, and I would become as weak an anyone else'".


Knowing that Delilah had already tried several times to take away his strength, Samson still gave in to her nagging because he couldn't take it anymore.  He knew better, but the constant nagging wore him down.  He loved her and didn't want her upset with him, so he gave up his secret and eventually his life.


We should fear God more than the people who are nagging us.  If we give in to nagging and allow it to lead us instead of God leading us, we are no better than Samson.  We must stand firm in what God has called us to do and not allow constant nagging to deter us from what God has for us.  We must be nagged by the Spirit more than nagged by others.


Lord, help me to listen to Your voice above all others and to do what You want above what anyone else wants or desires.  Help me to fear You more than fearing those who try to control me.  Teach me to stand strong in who You have called me to be.  Bless my life for that obedience.


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