Sunday, May 8, 2016

When God Gives In


I Samuel 8:22  "The Lord answered, 'Listen to them and give them a king'. Then Samuel said to the Israelites, 'Everyone go back to your own town'".


The Lord had told the people of Israel that they were to live in a theocracy.  A theocracy is a government led by God.  He wanted to be their king and for them to be His people.  The people wanted to be like every other nation and have a human king ruling over them instead of the God who led them out of Egyptian slavery and across the Red Sea.  Eventually God told Samuel to give them what they want.  This is a very scary place to be.


God's way is always much better than our way.  Sometimes we strive hard to be like everyone else and to not have God rule over our lives.  We like to handle things on our own and not let God fight our battles.  We all struggle with the decision to let God have total control of our lives.  When we decide we want to do things our way, apart from God's way, eventually God will give you what you want.  After getting what you wanted, you will always wish you had done it God's way from the beginning.


Father, help  me to trust Your leadership in my life.  Help me to truly live a life of true respect and honor.  I want You to rule over my life and I want to be obedient to You in every area of my life.  Teach me to submit to and trust You instead of taking things into my own hands.  Reign over my life.


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