Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sin's Terrible Consequences


II Samuel 13:15  "Then Amnon hated her with intense hatred.  In fact, he hated her more than he had loved her.  Amnon said to her, 'Get up and get out!'"


Amnon was in love with his half sister Tamar.  He couldn't get free from the feelings in his heart toward her so he arranged an opportunity to rape her.  After he finally sis what he had been dreaming of doing, he hated her more than he ever loved her.  Really. he probably hated himself for what he had done and whenever he saw her, it reminded him of what he had done.


Sin always looks good, but when you do it, it will destroy your life.  You will hate the person that caused it in your life and you will hate yourself for doing things that you knew better than to do.  Sin always takes you farther than you wanted to go and destroys your life.  Obedience to God always leads to joy, disobedience always leads to trouble and you end up hating what you loved.


Lord God Almighty, thank you for reminding me this morning about the consequences of sin.  Help me to live a life of obedience to you and your word so that I can live a life of joy in the Holy Spirit.  You are amazing and I love you.


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