Thursday, May 5, 2016

From Nothing to Everything


Ruth 4:17  "The women living there said, 'Naomi has a son!'  And they name him Obed.  He was the father of Jesse, the father of David".


Naomi lost two sons, who had married Moabite women.  One of the women, Ruth, followed Naomi and told her she would never depart her, but would move back to her homeland and serve her God and be with her people.  As a result, she ended up marrying back into Naomi's family and becoming the great grandmother of King David.  God has a way of turning our terrible times into great things when we determine to follow Him completely.


Sometimes when we are in the middle of tough times, we don't see the hand of God working, but He is working.  We tend to be overwhelmed by all that is going on and not able to see that there is even a glimpse of hope for a better tomorrow.  God is able to turn any situation around and make something great out of anyone who truly turns to Him.  He is the master of turning bad situations into great possibilities when we trust Him.


Father, You are so worthy of praise.  Take the barren parts of my life and turn them into kingly blessings like You did for Ruth.  Help me to see that You are working in and through my life in ways that I cannot see nor comprehend.  Thanks for turning my troubles into testimonies of Your goodness.


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