Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Lord was with Him


I Samuel 18:14  "In everything he did he had great success, because the Lord was with him".


David was remembered as a man after God's own heart.  He had his life in order and wanted nothing more than to please the Lord.  He always wanted to do the right thing.  David was extremely successful in every area because the Lord was with him.


Proper education, experience, and training are not guaranteed avenues to success.  They are definitely helpful, but sometimes we can do all the right things and still success never finds us.  In the above verse, we see that David's success was not because of his training, etc. but because the Lord was with him.  When God is with you, you will be successful.  When God raises a person up, nobody can keep them down.  Our primary goal in life should be walking with God, when we do that well, everything else will work out well.


Father, help me to realize that it is You who raise up and You who put down.  Help me to trust that You are working in and through my life and that success comes from walking with You and Your hand upon my life.  Help me to fulfill Your desires for my life and not my own.  I want Your presence and anointing upon my life.


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