Monday, April 4, 2016

What Did Jesus Do?


John 21:25  "Jesus did other things as well.  If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written".


John tells us the story of the resurrection and many of the post-resurrection experiences with Jesus.  He then goes on to say that he had written these things so that we would believe and that we would have life in Him.  He also lets us know that there was a whole lot that was not written down, we just got the highlites.


Jesus did so much in His 33 years on earth and really in His 3.5 years of ministry, that the books of the entire world could be filled with His writings.  I realize this is exaggeration, but it also lets us know that Jesus did much more than what we have recorded.  He is still doing so much unrecorded stuff today.  he is working all over the earth and many don't see it.  His work has multiplied around the globe and His kingdom is growing.  He is amazing and continues to do the works He did while on the earth.


Jesus, work in and through my life.  Let's write some books about what You are doing in the earth today.  Let's walk together and fill books with Your exploits in the earth.  You are incredible and I love serving You.  Help me to walk closer and closer to You every day.


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