Monday, September 2, 2024

Trust in God, Not Self


“Trust in your money and down you go! But the godly flourish like leaves in spring.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬ ‭NLT


This simple proverbs is really powerful. When we decide to put our trust in money, or anything else, we are taking trust away from God. He wants us to trust in Him for everything. He loves when His people have faith in Him. Those who do are described here as flourishing like leaves in Spring. Leaves flourishing in Spring is a natural process that happens every year. Godly people can expect to flourish!


We are wired for self-preservation. It is very natural for us to trust ourselves and what we can provide. We trust what we can see, but God wants us to trust Him. Those who understand this, and walk in it, will flourish. Faith is a choice and a determination. It is putting our reliance, not on what we can do, or the money we have saved, but in Him to take care of us. We should use wisdom, but trust God as out primary resource.


Father, teach me to trust You more and more. Show me Your ways and teach me to trust, not in my money or myself, but in You. Help me to live an obedient and godly life that will cause me to flourish like leaves in Spring. You are incredible and I have seen the evidence of Your blessing in my life. Take me to new levels of trust in You.



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