Friday, September 27, 2024

Generous People


“But generous people plan to do what is generous, and they stand firm in their generosity.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭32‬:‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Isaiah tells us here that generous people plan their generosity and then stand firm in it. When a person has a truly generous spirit, they plan and look for ways to be generous. They are intentional about their generosity. Standing firm in their generosity tells me that others won’t understand a truly generous person. The generous will stand firm, even when others see no value in it.


I want to be a generous person more and more in my life. I realize this morning that it takes planning to be generous. I have to be intentional about it or it will never happen. I can’t be swayed from generosity. I must be strong in my commitment. In order to be generous, I must come completely out of debt and live a simple life so I have more to give. 


Father, You are generous and I want to be more and more generous in my life. I want to be a blessing to others around me. As You bless me, I will be a blessing. You told Abraham that You would bless those who bless him. Let my life be a fountain of blessing. Let me give more in my latter years than I could have imagined in my former years. Open the river of finances over my life and show me how to plan to walk in generosity.

Yours Forever,


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