Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A Bubbling Brook


“Wise words are like deep waters; wisdom flows from the wise like a bubbling brook.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18‬:‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬


This simple Proverb is deep. It tells us that wise words are like deep waters. Deep waters you can swim in, you can dive into, you can find a lot of fish, and you want to dive down into them to see what is down deeper. He goes on to say that wisdom flows from the wise like a bubbling brook. This simply tells me that it never stops flowing from some deeper place or some reserve somewhere.


I am amazed by wise people. They truly are like a fountain, always producing life giving and satisfying water. As I get older, wisdom has become very valuable to me. I long to be a source of wisdom for those around me. I want to bring wisdom to the table in every conversation. I want wisdom to flow out of my life like a river. I want to know what to do in each and every situation. When others are struggling about what to do, I want to provide direction, vision, instruction, and wisdom. God is the source of all wisdom, so I must seek Him and walk with Him daily.


Father, I want to be a source of wisdom to those around me. Let wisdom flow from my life like a fountain. You are the source of wisdom so help me to stay in step with You at all times. As I leave for Argentina today to help with a crusade, use me for Your glory. Touch Zarate for Your glory. Let many come to Christ and be saved, healed, delivered, and changed. Bring new life to people.



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