Monday, November 2, 2020

Peace and Holiness


“Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord.”  ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:14‬ ‭NLT‬‬


The author of Hebrews tells us to work at living in peace with everyone.  In other words, there is some work to do if we are going to live at peace.  It means we have to do something.  Work means exerting some force or energy.  He goes on to say that we are to work, exert energy or force, at living holy because without holiness we won’t see the Lord.


We are told to “work” at living in peace and “work” at living holy.  We are often told these days that the Christian life has nothing to do with works.  Salvation has nothing to do with works, but works demonstrate our salvation.  We have to put some effort into living at peace with everyone.  We have to put some work into living holy.  That means these things don’t come easy or without determination.  They are things we have to work toward.  These are two areas that we need to work at.


Father, help me to live at peace with all men and to live a life of holiness.  I want to serve You well and demonstrate Your goodness to the world around me.  Let me be a peacemaker and live a life of holiness.  Help me to build a bridge of peace to those who have hurt me.  I want to be wholly Yours.

Your Son,


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