Monday, November 9, 2020

Not in My Day


““I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no one.”  ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭22:30‬ ‭NLT‬‬


God told Ezekiel that He was going to destroy Israel for their many sins and how they had prostituted themselves with other gods.  As the LORD was finishing up His words on this topic, He told Ezekiel that He didn’t want to destroy Israel, but that He looked for a person to stand in the gap and rebuild the wall of righteousness, but couldn’t find anyone.


May we never be a country where nobody is standing in the gap.  Our nation is struggling right now and turning away from God.  Fortunately, we have many intercessors who are standing in the gap and rebuilding the wall.  This is a terrible message for Israel, but a good message to America.  May we always have someone standing in the gap, especially during this election season.


Father, help me to be one of the ones You are looking for to stand in the gap and call people to righteousness.  Teach me to follow Your ways, to hear Your voice and to walk in step with You every day of my life.  Show me better how to stand in the gap and build a wall of righteousness.  Empower me to bring others into the same so there are always many interceding on Your behalf for the people of The United States.



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