Thursday, November 5, 2020

Expose Deception and Bring Justice


““Have you seen this, son of man?” he asked. “Is it nothing to the people of Judah that they commit these detestable sins, leading the whole nation into violence, thumbing their noses at me, and provoking my anger?”  ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭8:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬


In this vision, the LORD took Ezekiel and showed him the sins of Israel and Judah.  He took him inside the Temple and showed him what was going on behind closed doors and in secret.  He exposed the terrible things that led the whole nation into violence, thumbing their noses and God and provoking His anger.  Israel and Judah were born to be places where God was honored, not mocked.  Their sins brought about the wrath of God.


If God could take us inside the halls of Washington DC we would see some very corrupt things going on in our nation.  We have walked away from God and His principles.  We have thumbed our noses at Him and we have provoked His anger.  God isn’t angry when pagan nations walk away from Him.  He gets angry when His people walk away from Him.  The US was founded by Him and for Him.  Inside Washington there is corruption in massive ways. It must be exposed and repented of, then the blessing of God can come on our nation again.


Father, expose every evil deed happening in our country.  Expose those who are deceiving people.  Expose the lies, the hypocrisy and those who are cheating.  Your people are crying out to You to expose and bring justice to this nation that proclaims with their lips that they are under God.  Turn this country back to Yourself.  Expose corruption.  Show the hidden things and let those who have been working in secret be dealt with so You can bless our nation again.  We long for You.  There is a strong remnant in the US who loves You and desires to follow You completely.

Your Son,

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