Saturday, February 2, 2019



“Moses listened to his father-in-law’s advice and followed his suggestions.”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭18:24‬ ‭NLT‬‬


This simple verse says so much about Moses and his humility.  He was leading close to 3,000,0000 people in the wilderness.  He was their judge and every case came to him.  He judged the people from morning to night and his father-in-law saw this and approached him about delegating to others and only taking the very difficult cases.  Moses listened to wisdom from his father-in-law and followed his advice.


Many times as a leader, it is humbling to ask for advice or to listen to others.  Sometimes we are encouraged to lead and feel we must make all the decisions or we are not really leading.  God wants us to remain humble and teachable at all times.  He raises the humbles and fights against the proud.  I need to walk in humility and receive counsel from those God has placed around me.  I need to recognize their gifting and callings.


Lord, help me to have a teachable spirit and a humble attitude.  Even when I feel like I know what is best, help me to listen to those around me.  Moses, the leader of millions, walked in humility and received teaching from someone who had never been in his shoes and who hadn’t witnessed how God had worked through Moses up to that point.  Help me to walk in humility and lead well.


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