Friday, January 30, 2015

The Heart of God for All Nations


Exodus 7:5  "When I raise my powerful hand and bring out the Israelites, the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord".


Here I see God's incredible love for Israel.  He was determined to bring His people out.  He had heard their cries and seen their tears and came down to deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptians.  At the same time, you see God's heart for the Egyptians in the above verse.  He wanted the Egyptians to know that He was the Lord.  It was important to God, not only for the Israelites to see His power, but for the Egyptians to see.


God's will and desire is for all nations to to see His power and turn to Him.  He wants the knowledge of the glory of the Lord to fill the entire earth.  He wants all nations at the marriage supper of the Lamb.  Therefore, we must get the news of His goodness to the ends of the earth.  We must be part of the His mission on the earth in every way possible.


Father, help me to extend your kingdom throughout the earth by all possible means.  Enable me to carry the Good News of Christ into every kindred, tribe, tongue and nation.  Show the world Your power!  Rise up oh God and demonstrate You awesomeness in my generation.

Yours Forever,

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