Wednesday, January 14, 2015

It is Not in Me


Genesis 41:16  "Joseph then answered Pharaoh, saying, 'It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer'".


Joseph had interpreted dreams for the chief cup-bearer and the chief baker, both of them had come to pass exactly as he interpreted.  Now Pharaoh needed a couple dreams interpreted and he came to Joseph because he heard Joseph could interpret dreams.  Joseph told Pharaoh that the answer wasn't in him, but in God.  He shifted the attention to God and off himself.


Anything good in our lives, our skills, talents, gifts, etc. all come from God and are for His glory.  We should live to bring God the glory through them.  As Joseph made sure Pharaoh knew that it was God giving Pharaoh his answer, so we should let people know that anything good in us is from God.  We need to shift the glory to God as much as possible.


Lord God, let my life bring you glory.  Teach me to shift the eyes of people off of me and onto You.  Let Your name be glorified through my life.  Show me how to give you honor for every good thing in my life.

Your Son,

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