Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Seeking God


Song of Songs 3:2 "'I will rise now', I said, 'and go about the city; In the streets and in the squares I will seek the one I love'. I sought him, but I did not find him".


Song of Songs is a beautiful story of romantic love between young lovers. In the story we see how they relate to each other and some of the feelings that lover feel for each other. In this verse we see the bride seeking after the bridegroom with all her heart. In the New Testament we are called the Bride of Christ and He is our bridegroom.


Jesus is worth pursuing with all your heart. Song of songs is a story about a couple, but when we see ourselves as the bride of Christ, we can extract things from the story that should apply to us. This woman in the story was willing to get up, go into the city streets and look for her lover. She was seeking him. She laid everything else aside and began to seek him. I want to seek Jesus like that. I want to go after Him with all my heart, soul mind and strength. I want to rise up and seek His face with more love than ever.


Lord, I want to know You more and more. I seek You this morning as a lover seeks her love. I want to grow in my love for You and become all You want me to be. Help me be a God-seeker. I want to hear Your voice whisper to me and direct me. I want to see what You are doing and be part of it. I want to feel Your presence throughout the day. Walk with me I pray and talk to me today.

Your Son,


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