Friday, December 17, 2010

Created for Good Works


Ephesians 2:10 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them".


As Paul is beginning a letter to the Ephesians he tells them that they are the workmanship of Christ, who created them for good works. These good works were prepared beforehand by God that we should walk in them. From this I see that God has a plan for my life and that part of that plan is good works. He knew who would be near me each day and prepared good works for me to do before I was even born.


Have I missed out on many of the good works that God had prepared for me to do? How many times was His plan for me to reach out to someone in need and I just walked by because I was too busy? God created good works specifically for me to do. They are part of His plan for my life. I must be sensitive to the voice of the Lord each day and do what I feel He leads me to do. These good works are like anything else in the Christian life. He prepares them, but we must be obedient and walk in them.


Lord, I don't want any of the good works You have prepared for me be unfinished. I want to complete every assignment you have given me. Help me hear Your voice clearer and understand you more. Teach me to be obedient and to realize that if I am not, then someone is being robbed of a good work that you created me to do. Let me miss no more opportunities to bless someone.

Your Son,

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