Thursday, December 9, 2010

Filthy and Don't Know it


Proverbs 30:12 "There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes, yet is not washed from its own filthiness".


The author here makes a powerful statement that is so true and that I believe is true of many in my generation. There are many today who truly feel they are right with God and that they are pure, yet they are purely wrong and don't know it. They hear the Word of God and are not convicted in their hearts of their continual lifestyle of sin. The don't realize they are not washed and clean, yet honestly think they are tight with the Lord and are doing great.


We can never allow ourselves to become pure in our own eyes, The only way to do this is to compare ourselves, not with others, but with the Word of God and the Son of God. These are our guidelines. Man has a tendency to think he is good. We need a standard to compare to, which is the Word of God. When we realize our shortcomings, we should be quick to realize it and repent of wrong. We need to walk in humility and have a teachable spirit. We don't want to get into legalism, but do want a life that is clean before the Lord.


Lord God, help me to walk a life of humility and true purity before You. Help me to not be pure in my own eyes, but in Your eyes. Let my life shine for You. I don't want to stand before you one day and You say, "you thought you were pure, but really you were filthy". I want to walk in purity and power in this life. Move by Your Spirit. Build Your Kingdom in this region. Grow Your church!


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