Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wisdom and Understanding


Proverbs 4:7 "Wisdom is the principle thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding".


The first part of Proverbs talks mostly about wisdom. Solomon had asked the Lord for wisdom to guide the people of Israel and to be able to lead them effectively. He received it and Proverbs helps us by bringing Solomon's wisdom to the table to feast on. In this verse he states that wisdom is the principle thing. Above money, lands, houses, health, etc, wisdom is the principle thing because if you can get wisdom, you will get the rest of it. He says, "in all your getting, get understanding".


Americans today run around throughout their entire lives trying to get things. We are a consumer nation. We consume huge amounts of everything. WE purchase more than any other nation to spend on ourselves. We are always getting. Solomon stops us in all that and says, "in all your getting, get understanding". He doesn't rebuke us for getting, but says in our getting, don't leave understanding off the shopping list. Wisdom and understanding will be a guide to you throughout your life. We need to ask ourselves, "Is what I am about to do wise?" Most of what we do , we would probably stop if we pursued wisdom and understanding.


Lord, I have done things that I know were not wise. I have not sought after wisdom and understanding enough. Teach me to seek after it like a thirsty man after water. You have given me the mind of Christ and I understand that. Now let me walk in Your wisdom and understand like You understand. Give me an understanding heart that I may lead the body of Christ into Your blessing. Give me wisdom that I may not hinder the expansion of Your kingdom. I love You Lord and want to fulfill all You have given me to do. I seek wisdom and understanding this morning. Let this desire never leave me. Amen.

Love You Lord,


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