Thursday, October 29, 2009

God is ...


Jonah 4:2 "I knew that You are a merciful and compassionate God, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. You are eager to turn back from destroying people".


Jonah was venting his frustrations to God because he wanted God to destroy Ninevah. When God saw Ninevah's response to his word, He decided not to destroy them and this upset Jonah. In the midst of his ranting and raving he makes a declaration about God that is awesome. Jonah says the reason he went the other direction when the Lord called him was because of this very thing. He knew that if he told Ninevah what was coming upon them that they would repent and God would release them from their punishment. He didn't like that fact that God would change His mind about someone after He said He was going to destroy them. Our God is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and filled with unfailing love. He is eager to turn back from destroying people who turn to Him.


If these characteristics about God are true, then He is awesome! Jonah was so convinced of God's mercy, compassion and unfailing love that he didn't want to speak on God's behalf. He was convinced that God would change His mind if the people repented and turned to Him. If we are to be continually becoming more and more like our father, then we should be known as merciful and compassionate people who are fill with love. If we are to take on His attributes, then we are to become people who always give a second chance, a third chance and many more chances for people. We must become people who believe in others and have a strong hope that they can change. God never gives up on anyone, neither should we! Some of the people who get on our last nerve may just be the greatest people of God in the making. Don't give up on them in the process.


Lord, I want to be more like You. Lately I have become short with people and had less mercy and compassion than I had before. I repent and once again turn to You to help me with this. I want to have Your attributes. I want to be more like You. Help me to take on these characteristics that are so much a part of who You are. You are my Father. Place that DNA inside me that I may be a good reflection of who You are.

I wanna be like You,

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