Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pure in Your Own Eyes


Proverbs 30:12 "There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes, Yet is not washed from its filthiness".


This is really a scary verse that fits our generation very well. Many people today, if you ask them, are pure in their eyes. There are many who think they are right with God, yet their lives don't show forth any fruit. There are many today who can cast out devils, heal the sick, sing and shout, yet can't seem to live right. There is a generation who knows the Lord in their heads, yet their hearts are far from God. The author realizes the how people are and how they can think everything is okay when it isn't.


We need to live every day listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit. If you ask Him, He will show you areas of your life that need examined. He will lead you into all truth. He will keep you on the right track. If there is something questionable in your life, ask Him and He will lead you correct. I have one hint for you though, if you have to ask whether it is permissible or not, it is probably not something you need to be doing. We don't want to be deceived at any point in our lives. We want to walk in true holiness and true righteousness. It is so sad today that many believe they are right with God, but really they don't know Him.


Lord, Keep me on track with You. Don't let my feet stumble in any area. I want to live a life worth duplicating. I want to live a life of true holiness and obedience. You are worthy of followers who are real. You are worthy of followers who don't think they are more than they are, but represent You well.

You're the Best!


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