Monday, October 12, 2009

Concealed Sin


Proverbs 28:13 "People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy".


From this passage of scripture we see that there are some people who are not prospering because they have concealed sin in their lives. Prosperity is connected with hidden sin. Many times a person may appear to have it all together and be a hard worker, yet they never seem to prosper. In these cases, sometimes it may be a test or trial of their faith, but other times it could be that there is some concealed sin in their lives. Thank God the author added, "But if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy".


Be sure your sins will find you out! Sin stops up God's blessing. It will hinder your prosperity and destroy your life. Run from it as fast as you can. I want to be on the side of the blessing of God. I want to see His people blessed. Unconfessed sin will slowly eat at you like cancer. Confess your hidden sins, repent and prosper.


Lord, search my heart and show me areas of my life that I need to change. Examine me and see if there is any wrong in my heart. I want to be pure in side and out. You are worthy of all praise!

I Love You,

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