Friday, October 9, 2009

Why Try to Understand?


Proverbs 20:24 "The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way".


If the Lord directs our steps, why do we have to try to figure everything out and constantly second guess Him. If we have really given out hearts and lives to Him, why do we beat ourselves up all the time wondering if we are in His will. Life is much easier when you come to the place that God is in full control and you realize He has been directing your steps all the way through. If we have truly given God total control of our lives, then why do we continually wonder if we are in His will and think we can't handle what has come into our lives. God does direct the lives of His children.


It is time to stop asking why and figuring everything out and walk in simple obedience because we have a loving Father who has nothing but our best interest in His mind. Maybe God has called you to do something that you don't feel adequate to do. Don't rely on the arm of the flesh and try to figure everything out. He does what He does and puts us where we are for His purposes, not ours. Sometimes we need to realize that it's really not all about us, rather it is about advancing His kingdom. Realize He is ordaining your steps and nothing has happened that He is unaware of. He knows all. Don't try to second guess Him. Spend more time asking God what he has for you to do today then wondering why you are where you are and trying to understand His plans.


Lord, help me to trust You more each day. I know that you ordain my steps, but sometimes I question why You chose me to do some things that I feel like are above me. Sometimes I try to figure out what You are doing, which only leads to frustration. I have given you my life many years ago. help me to trust You to run it correctly. Keep me on Your path and let me only fulfill Your will! You are the best and I love you.


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