Thursday, October 15, 2009

Enjoy What You Have


Ecclesiastes 6:9 "Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don't have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless - like chasing the wind".


Solomon is definitely keeping it real in the first few chapters of Ecclesiastes. He is stating how he sees life. He has basically said to this point that everything is meaningless. Here he is sums it all up and tells us to enjoy what we have instead of desiring what you don't have. Many times we keep ourselves miserable over what we don't have rather than enjoying what we do have. We constantly complain about not having enough rather than enjoying what we do have.


Whatever you have in life is more than what you were born with. We come into this world with absolutely nothing and when we leave this world we can take absolutely nothing. In between, we have some things that we should appreciate. You may not have the nicest car, house, clothes, or bank account, but it is more than you came into the world with and more than you will take with you when you leave. We need to change our way of thinking about life and do as Solomon says. We need to enjoy what we do have instead of spending our time complaining about what we don't have. make the best use of the resources you have and God will give the increase.


Lord, Your word says that godliness with contentment is great gain. Teach me to walk in contentment. I realize I have done a lot of complaining lately and I ask You to forgive me. Lately I have been very focused on what I don't have instead of enjoying what I do have. Thank You for all You have given me! You are awesome and have tremendously blessed my life. Thank You for a wonderful wife and two excellent children. Thank You for a beautiful home and food on our table. Thank You for two cars that are reliable. Thank You for a growing church and a wonderful group of volunteers who want to make a difference in people's lives. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!


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