Thursday, October 1, 2009

Continue Doing


II Corinthians 11:12 "But I will continue doing what I have always done. This will undercut those who are looking for an opportunity to boast that their work is just like ours".


Much of II Corinthians is written be Paul to defend his apostolic authority and his ministry because others had come in preaching and teaching differently than he had and the people were divided between the two. He is really trying to show the people how much he had done for them and suffered for the gospel. Finally he comes down to this, "I will continue to do what I have always done. This will undercut those who are looking for opportunity to boast".


In ministry, people are quick to criticize whatever the leader does. It is a difficult place to be and people don't realize it. Sometimes you really feel like defending yourself and showing them who you are in Christ, but that just looks like spiritual pride. I like how Paul determines to deal with it, "I will just keep doing what I have been doing" because it has been done with a right heart. Sometimes the best defense is simply continuing on because in the long run people will see the fruit and say, "he must have been right". This is a better way than getting bitter, angry and frustrated with people.


Lord, I understand how Paul feels and ministry is difficult. People run away to the next great teacher or leader that comes along after you have poured out everything you have for them. It hurts. Thanks for showing me that the way to handle it is to keep on going and doing what we are doing. I love the way you minister to me in such a personal way.


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