Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Imitate Me


“For even if you had ten thousand others to teach you about Christ, you have only one spiritual father. For I became your father in Christ Jesus when I preached the Good News to you. So I urge you to imitate me.”1 Corinthians‬ ‭4‬:‭15‬-‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Paul says here that there could be ten thousand teachers of God’s word, but the Corinthians only had one father, Paul. He says he became their father when he preached to them the Good News. He finishes that statement by saying, “So I urge you to imitate me.” When you say those words, you are confident that you are living in step with the Spirit. 


I want to live a life where I can say to people, “Imitate me.” As a spiritual father to the Corinthians, Paul told them to imitate his life and ministry. He knew that if they followed his path, they would be fine in their walk with God. I want to set an example for those around me of what it looks like to follow Christ wholeheartedly. 


Lord God, I love You and want to represent You well in this earth. Teach me to live a life that can be pointed at and confidently say, “imitate me.” Empower me to live so that others have a point of reference of what it looks like to follow You well. Help me to point people to Jesus, but to show them what a life filled with the Spirit looks like, 

Forever Yours,


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