Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What Will Ye Do in the End?


Jeremiah 5:31 "the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?"


God is speaking through Jeremiah and tells him the prophets are speaking falsely and the priests are doing their own things.  He says the people love it that way.  He asks the question, "what will ye do in the end thereof?"  In other words, "where does all this lead?"


It is a powerful thing to ask yourself, "Where does all this lead?"  or "What will ye do in the end thereof?"  When I as that question, it helps me focus in on what is really important.  When I am working for the kingdom, I have to ask myself, "where does all this lead?"  What will be the long-term outcome if I do this?  Thinking long is really important and asking, "if I take this direction, where will I end up?" is really important in life.


Father, You know my long term goal in this life is to hear the words, "Well done good and faithful servant".  Help me to evaluate the things I do in light of that day.  Teach me to think long and look at the end of things.  Teach me to think about where things ultimately lead.  Help me to lead Your people well.

Your Son,

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