Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Power Increase


Psalm 75:10  "For God says, 'I will break the strength of the wicked, but I will increase the power of the godly'".


The Psalmist is once again complaining about the injustice in God because the people who are not serving Him are becoming wealthier and wealthier.  He sees that those serving God seem to be doing worse in life than those not serving God.  God responds to him and tells him hold on because their day is coming and so it the day of the righteous.  God will increase the power of the godly and break the strength of the wicked, just maybe not when we would like Him to.


God is a just God and we must learn to trust Him with our lives.  Judgment will come to those who hurt us, put us down, etc., but it may not come when we would like it to.  Patience is huge in the Christian life and we must not grow weary while doing good.  God is faithful and His promises are true, we just need to learn to wait patiently.  Some of His promises may not happen in this life and may await us in heaven, but that is okay as well because we are on this earth for 70-80 years, but heaven will be for eternity.  He will increase the power of  the godly!  It is coming...we must wait for it and serve Him strongly while we wait.


Lord, give me strength today to wait for You to accomplish all your plans and purposes in my life.  I know I want to rush things, but this morning I slow down and ask you to work in my life at Your pace and not mine. I yield to You Almighty God.  Have Your way in me.  I am Yours eternally.

Your Son,


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