Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Each Generation


Psalm 78:7  "So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands".


In this Psalm, Asaph is recounting all the wonderful and powerful things the Lord had done in the history of his people.  When he gets to this point, he begins to talk about handing off this faith to the next generation.  He shows the importance of teaching, proclaiming and showing our children the awesome faithfulness of our God.  He says each generation should set its hope anew on God.  In other words, each generation needs to experience God in a real way, or He will become like a fable or good story.


I have said many times that Christianity is only one generation from extinction.  Each generation needs to see and experience a move of God that will solidify their faith.  It is one thing to have your parents tell you about what great things God did in their generation, but if our children don't see anything happen in their generation, faith diminishes and those become just good stories.  I believe this generation coming up right now needs an encounter with God that will solidify their faith in Him and show them how real He is.  May we proclaim and demonstrate His power to the next generation and train up a people who know Him for the future of the faith.


Lord, help me be in touch with the next generation.  Help me lead them into an encounter with You that will solidify their faith in You.  Help me not just talk about what you did, but to demonstrate what You do so that they can grasp it and give it to the next generation.  Arise oh Lord!  Demonstrate Your power for my children that they may see your glory!

Yours Forever,

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