Thursday, March 7, 2013

Every Detail


Psalm 37:23 "The Lord directs the steps of the godly.  He delights in every detail of their lives".


In this passage, David speaks of how much God loves us.  It says that He cares enough to direct our steps when we are godly.  It goes on to say that He delights in every detail of our lives.  This amazes me.  God is concerned about the littlest details of our lives.  He delights in knowing the little details.  He is incredible!


We often think of God as too busy to bother with the little stuff.  We act like He is not interested in the little things, but He is.   He delights in every detail of our lives.  Many times we act like we don't want to bother God with little requests, but He delights in our lives and wants us to talk to Him about the little details.  He cares about whatever we care about.  If it bothers us, it bothers Him.  When we realize this, it should change our prayers lives.


Father, help me to believe Your Word and let it sink down deep into my life.  Teach me to trust You more and to talk about the little details with You.  You are my father and I know that the details matter to You.  Thank You for caring so deeply about my life.


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