Friday, June 18, 2010



Acts 8:4 "But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went".


Stephen had just became the first martyr of the early church and persecution was beginning for the new Christians. In the midst of the persecution where they were fleeing for their lives, they continued to preach the gospel everywhere they went. These people preached the Good News of Jesus when their lives were on the line for it. You couldn't make them stop! They were gladly telling others about Jesus and establishing His kingdom.


The church of Jesus Christ has become lazy in the US. We don't share our faith as we should. Probably 90% of all Christians in the US have never led someone to Christ. This is a real shame. In the book of Acts, all the believers were constantly sharing their new found faith everywhere they went, even in the midst of being persecuted for it. We must move past being ashamed of the Gospel and begin sharing Christ "Wherever" they went.


Lord, let your church begin to be bold again. Let the church rise up and begin to share their faith "wherever" they go. As we go out into this world for work, daily routines, and special events, let us become people who share Christ "wherever" as the early church did. Infuse the body of Christ with holy boldness as they go out wherever you lead them and they have to go for their every day lives.

Yours Completely,


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